Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This and That from yesterday

Boy, was I in trouble when I got home yesterday afternoon!  Miz Grumblebunny whined and fussed until past bedtime.  How dare her person be gone so long during the day!  Plus, I was in her favorite chair which happens to be the one I sit in for my work computer.  The computer that I am taking the certification courses on has the "good" chair.  It's only good because I'm in it.  LOL

My first day on the job at the church was great.  I already know everyone since I have been a member of the church for over a year.  It was great to be back in a church office.  It is a job that I enjoy doing.  Yesterday was spent sorting out and organizing.  Pastor and I will be tackling the file cabinet as to what can be stored and what can be shredded.  I doubt that we will get much done this week on that project due to the Heart Change Crusade.  Tonight and tomorrow night are the final services with the one tomorrow night taking place at one of the high schools in the area.

I have only tonight and tomorrow night of classes for phase 1 of my certification course.  I had to take an assessment quiz last night and surprised myself with making a 94%!  I am excited yet anxious about taking customer calls.  But, one of the ladies in the class who has done this before, told me last night that I will be great on the phones.  I hope so! 

I chose my hours yesterday to work on the phones and my calendar looks really complicated!  LOL  I made sure to leave an open space for my to pick up my granddaughter after drama club meetings on Friday.  I enjoy spending the time with her. 

Time to get the day started!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Musings

I slept later than I thought I would this morning.  Miz Grumblebunny did her best to get me up, but I just kept patting her and making her lay down.  She worked so hard that she is zonked out right now!  I shouldn't make the kitty child work so hard!!!

This is the last morning of sleeping in.  I start my job at the church in the morning.  What's great is that I will start it on the morning that we have prayer group.  I am hoping I can join them for a few minutes.  But, I did tell a friend to be there at 9 so she can help me with the deposit.  I'll get it worked out. :)  I have all of the forms that I will need to fill out bookmarked in Yahoo My Bookmarks.  It will be just a matter of opening the links, downloading the files and getting them filled out.

I am excited but anxious as I will be finishing one phase of my training for the call center (working from home) and will be "live" on the phones next week.  I will do a week of calls and then will be back in the virtual classroom for another 15 days to complete the 2nd phase. 

Lot of changes coming up.  I am trying to organize my home office.  I have a few things I still want to do.  I want to hang some shelves and clear out a bunch of JUNK! 

I am also putting together a schedule of meals - things I can make in the crock pot.  I plan to make a normal size recipe and freeze the leftovers in meal size portions.  I am trying to eat healthier.  I need to lose weight as my knees are giving me fits.  I found out that I have severe arthritis in my right knee and I know the left knee probably isn't much better.  My weight doesn't help.

Enough posting and procrastinating!  It's time to get to work!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

2010 - ibok!

2010 is going to be a better year than 2009.  And, even if it really isn't - ibok! - (It's gonna be okay!) 

I am starting a new part time job at my church and am taking on a couple of new clients - one will be a big one.  I have made a resolution to declutter my apartment.  I have decided to get out of debt.  I don't need so many credit cards!  And, generally, I have just decided to trust God to lead me and guide me on my way!

I have made Miz Grumblebunny happy by putting a blanket in the other office chair so she can sleep while I work.