Friday, April 30, 2010

It's Friday!

Whoot!  It is Friday and I have a busy day planned.  I am in the middle of wiping the hard drive on an old computer as BHC will be having a hazardous waste collection day on Sunday and I need to get the big chunk of useless metal out the door (along with the monitor). 

I am going to a sweet friend's house so she can cut the shaggy mess on my head!  It is sticking out in some weird and wacky ways so it is time.  I didn't get her to cut it the last time and she gave me fits as I ended up with a super short cut.  It doesn't really matter to me - I think I could rock the shaved head look!  LOL

Groceries are on the agenda today and then back to get some totes filled so my sweet sil can put them in the car for me to take to the storage unit.  I think I don't need the winter clothes right now.  I am trying to get some other things together that will go in the storage unit.  I am being ruthless and earmarking a lot of stuff for the church yard sale (next weekend). 

Who knows what else I might get done today???

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Wednesday Blahs

I have the Wednesday Blahs today.  Just no energy to do things that I should be doing.  I need to unhook my monitor and switch it out so my sil can take the current one to my dd.  I am just worn out today so I asked for a rain check on him helping me.  We will try again Friday.

No news yet on new living arrangements, but I am not going to panic.  God has seen me through lots worse than this! 

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday, Monday

I am really not wanting to do much today, but I do need to get some things done.  I must finish the laundry and box up more things for our yard sale at church.  We are raising money to buy more chairs for our sanctuary.  If we raise enough and have some left over, we also are thinking about putting tile in our fellowship area.  There are always places that we can use the money.  LOL   The Ladies Ministry will be holding a Bake Sale at the same time.  It will be a busy weekend (May 6th, 7th, and 8th)

I am also trying to cull out more things that I really don't need.  I am moving to a much smaller place and really need to take just necessities.  I have too much "stuff".  I thought I had thinned it out a lot before I moved out here, but apparently I didn't or else it has multiplied!  I just found out (by reading the local paper today) that BHC will have a hazardous waste day on May 2nd where you can drop off computer and other electronic items that no longer work.  I do have a computer (or two) that don't work well now.  I am passing one of the older monitors on to my daughter and I am finally switching over to a flat screen!  WooHoo!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


After 2 of my friends took a good look at the RV yesterday, it was determined that it is going to take MAJOR work for it to be possibly livable.  I was lied to about the condition of the RV.  I should have taken one of my friends with me to look at it before I paid for it, but I didn't.  So, I got took.  But, I am trying to stay focused on God and keep remembering that He has a plan. 

Last Sunday we had a guest pastor as our pastor was serving the ladies at our annual Women's Retreat in Williams.  His sermon was on Walking by Faith, not by Sight.  He must have been talking to me!  On Thursday, my daily devotional by Streams in the Desert was about how God hates self sufficiency.  We are to totally depend on Him!  Today, the Streams in the Desert devotional was about When God Says No!  I am thinking that maybe God is telling me to BE STILL!

It is just difficult to be still when I "feel" so alone.  I am NOT alone.  First of all, there is God.  Second of all, I have a wonderful church family who love me.  I guess I have just felt so alone for so many years.  The funny thing is (not really funny) that I can trust complete strangers not to lie to me about the condition of a RV and I have trouble trusting those around me that love me and care about me.  It's like I don't want to bother anyone as I know that they really don't want to help - I am causing them an inconvenience.  I am finding out just how false that is - FINALLY.  It is like God is hitting me over the head saying - BE STILL!  LET OTHERS HELP YOU! 

God has been so good to take care of me through some really rough and dangerous times in my life.  Why in the world would I think He won't do that now?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today is Earth Day!

Because it is Earth Day, I would to tell you about one of my new ventures - Clean Green and Natural, one of my newest eShoppes.  It is a work in progress as I will continue to add products that are eco friendly and good for the environment. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Trying to get things done!

I am hoping to get moved into my RV by the end of May.  It will depend on just how much work needs to be done inside to get it like I want it.  The guys that are going to help me with the remodeling were going to talk it over this weekend.

I went through my closet and was ruthless!  If I hadn't worn something in a while and didn't think it was likely that I would ever wear it again, into the GoodWill pile it went!  If there was something that I just didn't like, into the GoodWill pile it went.  A lot of dresses and skirts went into the pile as I just don't need them here.  Life is definitely more casual.  I did keep a suit and a dress and a couple of other items, and everything else went bye bye!  I also packed up my winter clothes and have them ready to store.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Saturday

I had hoped to get some sorting done today.  But, I just didn't get as much done as I wanted to.  I am having some trouble with my right knee - more pain than usual.  So, I have spent much of the day on the computer working on my websites.  There is always something to do there.  LOL

The Garage Sale at the church is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I need to get what I am taking ready to go.  I need to sift through everything to reduce what I am going to take to the RV.  I packed up my winter clothes.  I doubt that I will need them very soon.

I found a storage unit Friday.  There are a few things I would like to keep but can't store in the RV that I will store.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Argh! Tax Day!

Tax Day is finally here and I guess I am ready.  :)  I have my returns printed out and almost ready to go.

 But, I do have some things to be thankful for:
  1. It isn't going to be a bad hair day (for a change). 
  2. It is a beautiful sunshiney day (altho most days in Arizona are)
  3. I have a lovey furry companion (who thinks I should get up at 5 am)
  4. I have a wonderful church family (God really blessed me)
  5. I serve a risen Savior (and that says it all!)
Hope everyone has a beautiful day!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today was a great day!

Today was a great day - it was my birthday and the weather was beautiful.  Got lots of hugs as soon as I got to church this morning.  I love hugs!

After services, the gang went out to eat at OutBack, across the river in Laughlin.  We don't go over to Laughlin very often to eat.  The food was good, but was very pricey.  I had quesadillas (leaving room for dessert) that were very tasty. 

Over all, it was a very good day.  Been lazy this afternoon, thinking about all that I need to do tomorrow.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ladies' Luncheon

We had our monthly Ladies' Luncheon at the church today.  Everybody was to bring finger foods, appetizers, or desserts.  We had plenty of food!  And, Aneta's mom brought a van load of veggies from Kingman for us to share.  Tomatoes, potatoes, squash, green beans, apples, bananas!  Her little van was packed full!  She and Aneta put all of the veggies out on a table just outside the kitchen door as as everyone came in, we told them to go fill up a bag (or two) with veggies!

We had a great luncheon.  Ruth gave a talk on Leah.  I had never thought about some of the things she told us about her.  We had lots of good fellowship and brought up in to pairs at the end to pray together.  My partner was one of the newer ladies to the group and I really enjoyed getting to know more about her.

So far, it's been a great day and I get to spend a few minutes with my beautiful granddaughter in just a few.  I am taking her to the school for her to get ready for her part in the musical that is being put on tonight. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

The decision has been made!

Today was spent on the road.  I headed into town to get groceries after I looked on Craigslist, looking for a RV to buy.  I had found two - one at a super low price and one at a low price.  I had emailed both and the one with the super low price called me while I was in the grocery store.  I went ahead and got the items I already had in my cart and took off to see the RV.  Nope, it wouldn't do at all.  It was in terrible shape (that's not what he told me on the phone) and just a little bit too small. 

I headed on home, intending to get groceries later when I was going to drop my granddaughter off at school.  When I got home, I had an email from the other RV.  It was in a town about 30 miles away, so I finished my lunch and took off.  The RV isn't in the best shape in the world, but it will be large enough (I will have to be super duper at organizing!) and I could afford it.  It is just minor things that have to be done.  I am going back on Monday to pay for it and drive it home.  I need to find a place to park it.

Now for the plan.   I do not make enough money at my part time job each month to pay rent and the utilities.  The rent on this apartment is way too high.  The plan is to find a RV Park and park the RV and live in it.  Just me and the cat.  Even with the RV space rent and the rent on a storage building to store some things I don't want to give up.  I know that some people will think I am nuts, but I am trying to simplify my life.  I just have way too much stuff!  Plus, my health is getting to where it is very difficult for me to do the clearing chores.  I think the RV will be easier.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's been a while

I haven't been posting like I intended to do.  But, lets try again.  :)

Saturday will be our monthly Ladies' Luncheon.  I am looking forward to it.  We are all bringing appetizers or our favorite snacks.  We will have a great time.  We have some new ladies that have been coming to our Tuesday afternoon Bible Study.  It is a great time to fellowship and get to know each other better.

I am off tomorrow and will have errands to run.  I need to get groceries and go to the bank.  Then it will be back home to see if I can get some decluttering done.

I really need to continue to sort through things and either give things away (bless others) or just throw the stuff away.  I am thinking about moving when my lease is up on my current apartment and am just tired of having so much stuff to carry around