Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Musings

I slept later than I thought I would this morning.  Miz Grumblebunny did her best to get me up, but I just kept patting her and making her lay down.  She worked so hard that she is zonked out right now!  I shouldn't make the kitty child work so hard!!!

This is the last morning of sleeping in.  I start my job at the church in the morning.  What's great is that I will start it on the morning that we have prayer group.  I am hoping I can join them for a few minutes.  But, I did tell a friend to be there at 9 so she can help me with the deposit.  I'll get it worked out. :)  I have all of the forms that I will need to fill out bookmarked in Yahoo My Bookmarks.  It will be just a matter of opening the links, downloading the files and getting them filled out.

I am excited but anxious as I will be finishing one phase of my training for the call center (working from home) and will be "live" on the phones next week.  I will do a week of calls and then will be back in the virtual classroom for another 15 days to complete the 2nd phase. 

Lot of changes coming up.  I am trying to organize my home office.  I have a few things I still want to do.  I want to hang some shelves and clear out a bunch of JUNK! 

I am also putting together a schedule of meals - things I can make in the crock pot.  I plan to make a normal size recipe and freeze the leftovers in meal size portions.  I am trying to eat healthier.  I need to lose weight as my knees are giving me fits.  I found out that I have severe arthritis in my right knee and I know the left knee probably isn't much better.  My weight doesn't help.

Enough posting and procrastinating!  It's time to get to work!

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