Thursday, January 13, 2011

Toxic Relationships

At the moment, I am upset with myself and the fact that I have briefly returned to my "doormat" ways. I am trying to overcome the need to have everyone like me, and of trying to be a "people pleaser".

There are a couple of people in my life that have the need to either question everything I do or to "helpfully" point out my mistakes. I will be the first to admit that I do make mistakes. (I've made some doosys) And, I should know that as a church secretary, there will always be someone right there to point them out.

I am trying to have a healthy outlook on life. I would prefer to think that the glass is half full. I enjoy my job - most of the time. I enjoy helping people, whether at work or when I am out and about. I have spent way too much time having a negative outlook. It's more fun to to smile and be pleasant and helpful to others. But, I have to remember to have healthy boundaries.

I know that I need to have a thicker skin. The two toxic people are unhappy, negative people. I can't change their attitude, but I can change mine. It just isn't easy to do.

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